Presidential Flight Second Hangar
AMANA Contracting was awarded the Build of the Second Hangar for Presidential Flight at Abu Dhabi Airport. Intended as an additional hangar for wide-body aircraft for the use of UAE’s royal family M/s Presidential Flight and located within the premises of Abu Dhabi International Airport having an apron that provides direct runway access. The project has a built-up area approximately 20,000m2 that includes:
- A hangar arrangement of 190 m x 90 m, with a column at mid span of the hangar doors.
- Clear height and special hangar doors that will accommodate the largest wide body aircrafts such as B747/B777/A380.
- The footprint of the building, walls, & interior offices will extend behind the hangar itself and laterally to accommodate the offices, social facilities and the workshops.
- An optimized clustered utility plant built opposite the service road at the rear of the hangar.
Completion Year